How to make friends when you’re an adult + remote working + new city?

how to make friends when you work from home

Go on hikes, pub crawls, walk around a city alone, and strike up conversation. You will be surprised how friendly people are in other countries. And when they hear that you work remotely, and get to travel all over, they will be enthralled and want to grab a beer and hear your story. A good way to get this started is search to find events and groups that match your interest. We love volleyball so we always check to see if there are pickup games.

Take advantage of industry opportunities

The next job in New York was the one that eventually transferred me how to make friends when you work from home to Singapore. We were publishing inflight magazines from a warehouse-like space in Dumbo, Brooklyn, before it was a trendy part of town. This was where another set of friends came into my life.

how to make friends when you work from home

Remote Work Tips

how to make friends when you work from home

Is a co-working space and community just for women that also hosts events like film screenings and conversations with local politicians. By identifying shared interests, establishing a regular schedule, and committing to attend, you can create traditions that deepen friendships. Just like my First Fridays experience, these traditions can become cherished parts of your social life, reinforcing bonds and creating lasting memories. Those are three steps to help you get out there and start meeting more people. And I want you to notice something – none of what I shared addresses what you do, and that is on purpose. Because here’s what I’ve found, when you focus on making genuine connections with other humans, the “what you do part,” that tends to unfold naturally when the time is right.

Just because you’re in the market for new friends doesn’t mean your colleagues are, Duffy says. If you’re struggling to come up with the right words, ask your new colleague to tell you more about their role or their team. You can also ask what advice they may have for a new hire.

Once you’ve made two or three emerging work friendships, it’s time to move on to step four. Whether you’re one of the people who’s started a new job over the pandemic or you’re just someone with a few new teammates, this is especially why making friends at work is so important. Since we live in a digital age, many volunteer initiatives and fundraising events have moved online. This enables remote workers such as yourself to offer your time and skills and get involved in activities from the comfort of your own home.

Maybe that relationship will blossom into a great friendship. Sure, in 2021, it’s much easier to have your right-swiping do the talking when it comes to making a partnership. In Austin, I’ve taken community-building into my own hands by hosting a variety of events. Often, the people who attend are new to town or the venue, and they’re looking for like-minded individuals. Rest assured, should I ever find a partner and decide to have kids, you can bet that my children will be accompanying me on coffee dates with my friends. Making friends is a priority for me, regardless of my life circumstances.

  1. For example, she suggests setting up 30-minute coffee chats with different colleagues each week.
  2. It’s simple, it’s easy, and, I gotta say, it works every single time.
  3. Imagine the type of person you’d like to be friends with.
  4. Often, you’ll notice that your work Slack is used for non-problematic small talk featuring memes, inside jokes, or gossip vaguely related to the office.
  5. As for me, I like building friendships at work, but there is a caveat.
  6. I have mixed emotions about this, I watch on the daily how beneficial being a friend can lessen the size of hammer you have to swing during the day.
  7. You don’t have to be in a big city or shell out a lot of cash to benefit from co-working.

How to Make Work Friends When You Work Remotely

Lonely employees, in contrast, are less productive and more likely to leave their jobs. This could be a channel to share tips for keeping those houseplants alive, swap recipes and dinner ideas, or talk about the books people are reading. Consider hosting events for members of the channel as well. When traveling for clients, I also try to have quality interactions with my coworkers. It’s a lot easier than when going to the office because we are all away from home and looking for people to have meals with!

Pretty much all companies have a “random” or a “break room” Slack channel, but anyone who frequents it knows that the environment feels much more controlled than in real life. Often, you’ll notice that your work Slack is used for non-problematic small talk featuring memes, inside jokes, or gossip vaguely related to the office. One really fun idea that one of my other remote coworkers came up with is video call happy hours. We don’t do them very often but I find them to be very helpful in creating connections. I’ve shared my tips for working from home before which include the importance of communication. Obviously, if you are trying to build friendships at work, communication is incredibly important.

  1. Connecting when not every worker is in the office can be a challenge.
  2. Now, I’m not talking about an elevator pitch or a static way to answer the question, “So, what do you do?
  3. We were both single at the same time, and we spent our weeknights hopping from PR event to PR event, swiping on dating apps, and making out with random guys at dimly lit bars.
  4. But there are times on the road that I am fine working on my own.
  5. If you share photos and tag them in communal pictures or events, you start to build the connections.

Remember, building a friendship requires time and effort, so be patient and persistent. Feel free to put yourself out there, start conversations, and participate actively in various activities. When you are exploring remote jobs in your hometown, you must understand the social aspect of such work. If you are looking for work from home jobs in Tucson, it is crucial to know that making friends while working remotely comes with a hidden cost.

Most of us want other people to find us and our businesses interesting and captivating and fascinating. While there are countless upsides to working from home, there’s one consistent challenge — and it’s a serious one. You have gifts to share with the world and my job is to help you get them out there. Whether you’re brand new to business or established and ready to grow, B-School will challenge you to execute at your highest level. When Thanksgiving comes around this year, I’m not sure how my colleagues would react to an invitation to the feast. Additional friends and partners were often invited to tag along, and that afternoon, my husband — as well as one new colleague’s fluffy husky — was sitting alongside me on the mat.

Jochen Bocksruker